Sponsorship Opportunity

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The Geneva Latino Festival is having their 9th Annual Festival in 2020.
There will be fun and activities for all ages at the Seneca Lake Park in Geneva , New York. The hours of the festival are 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM with children events from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Refreshments (including Alcoholic drinks) will be available starting at 12:00 PM. Vendors and activities (including the Carnival Company  will be set up to offer activities for all ages, food and refreshments from the Hispanic culture. This year we ask our community for sponsorships to aid in offsetting the cost of an event that has become a wonderful, large, local tradition.

Sponsorship packages, vendor opportunities, and community involvement are always welcome. Call Rafael Diaz at 315-521-8900 or Email to festival-latino@hotmail.com (latino@hotmail.com)

Click Here to download Sponsorship levels and opportunities.